• Open-Hours:10 am to 7pm
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Leadership in Action


3 days

Who is it aimed at?

Intended participants would be NGOs, community leaders, aspiring community leaders (people becoming Active Citizens), Managers in Third sector organisations or Micro-Enterprises/SMEs and other Charity organisations.

There is no pre-entry requirement for the course.

Aims & Objectives

The aim of the programme is to enable participants to learn/enhance their leadership skills leading to better performance in relation to workforce development, leadership, and career progression and as active citizens.

  • To gain an understanding of the range of leadership styles
  • To understand the context for leadership development
  • To interact and engage with role models
  • To engage in peer learning
  • To promote the learning and sharing of information
  • To practice leadership styles and skills
  • To provide a route for talented and dynamic individuals to get into positions of community leadership
  • To give the skills, confidence and perspective necessary to become leaders
  • To articulate in expressing themselves
  • To further career progression/employment/FE

Outline of the programme

The module enables learners to engage with a diverse range of theoretical approaches to leadership, they have the opportunity to put these approaches into practice through practical exercises.  The exercises that learners will participate in are:

Exercise on Learning Styles: Activist, Reflector, Theorist, Pragmatist

Discussion Forum: How to choose learning activities to suit your style.

Definition of Leadership followed by short discussion on what makes a good leader

Hearing from Leaders: A prominent person from the private sector.  Challenges faced and how leadership was provided to develop business.

Hearing from Leaders: A prominent figure from political, civil or local authority background.  How decisions are being made as a leader.  How decisions were influenced as a leader and challenges in providing leadership with large and diverse stakeholders.

Emotional intelligence: What is emotional Intelligence? How it relates to leadership?  What are the main elements of it?  Practical exercises on some aspects of Emotional Intelligence would be implemented.

Exploring participants own leadership styles: in a work, family, friends or neighbourhood situation, followed by Q&A from other participants.

Manager or a Leader? Is an interactive session exploring the differences between being a good manager and a good leader?

Principles of Leadership

Where do you go from here and action planning will provide pathways in which leaners could develop their skills further.

Teaching and Learning Strategy

  • Formal presentations
  • Interactive exercises
  • Group Exercises
  • Presentations by participants
  • Questions and Answers sessions
  • Reflection sessions
  • Reflective Journal
  • Peer learning session
  • Hand Outs

Learning hours

24 hours 30 minutes

How is the course recognised?

Each participant will receive a certificate from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) on the completion of the course including Reflective Journal.

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