• Open-Hours:10 am to 7pm
  • info@yoursite.com

Business Planning


2 days

Who is it aimed at?

Intended participants would be NGOs, community leaders, aspiring community leaders (people becoming Active Citizens), Managers in Third sector organisations or Micro-Enterprises/SMEs and other Charity organisations.

There is no pre-entry requirement for the course.

Aims & Objectives

To provide an insight and empower learners in Business Planning process


  • To understand Business Planning process
  • To understand the importance and process of Business Planning
  • To provide an insight into each aspect of Business Planning
  • To enable participants to develop a budget and a cash flow
  • To empower participants in writing a Business Plan for their own organisation

Outline of the programme

The Business Planning module will enable leaners to understand entire process and empower them to develop a draft Business Plan of their own organisation at the end of 2 days training.

Commencing with the definition and pros and cons of developing a Business Plan, the module will focus on three main parts of the Business Plan: Where are we now; Where are we going, and how are we going to get there.

Where are we now section will elaborate on the history of the organisation, Activities & Personnel, Business Context and Environment, Market Analysis and SWOT analysis.

Main Organisational Objectives will be set in the second section of where we are going.The section will explore the ways in which the organisation is intending to achieve its objectives. This section will elaborate on Development Plan, Marketing Plan, Personnel Plan, Financial Plan, Action Plan/Time table, Risks and Potential problems, Financial Data and Appendices.

Executive Summary, to be written last, will be explained. Examples of completed Business Plan will be made available to get an in-depth understanding of writing a Business Plan.

Each of the elements will be described and discussed.  Time will be allocated for leaners to write bullet points under each heading relevant to their organisation.  It is envisaged that by the end of the second day each learner will have a draft Business Plan for their organisations.

Teaching and Learning Strategy

  • Formal presentations
  • Interactive exercises
  • Group Exercises
  • Presentations by participants
  • Questions and Answers sessions
  • Reflective Journal
  • Peer learning session
  • Hand Outs

Learning hours

13 hours 30 minutes

How is the course recognised?

Each participant will receive a certificate from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) on the completion of the course including Reflective Journal.

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